Welcome to the Drama Department. Drama at Eastbrook School develops knowledge, skills and application of these sequenced in a clearly delineated structure within the wider school ‘Character and Academics’ approach to curriculum. The activities used in Drama are creative and fun but can also be a highly challenging. Drama enthuses and encourages a love and passion for the elements of performing Arts and to become proficient in a variety and range of disciplines. The students gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the theories and practices used in the different genres and styles of theatre. They are equipped to think critically and justify their reasoning when evaluating dramatic styles and genres of performances within the performing arts industry.
Key stage 3
At key stage 3 the students focus on core skills, which helps students to develop their ability to use voice, movement, gesture and facial expression, in acting, mime, spontaneous and prepared improvisation. They will engage with a range of stimuli to develop critical and creative thinking skills; through adopting a role; taking part in improvisation working on Characterisation and exaggeration through the use the dramatic text by exploring the different ways to convey the action, character, atmosphere and tension when they are scripting and performing plays through the dialogue, movement and space. They also explore the theme of bullying, peer pressure which is cross curricular with PSHE and this is through creating drama which includes discussion, research, questioning, thinking, sharing ideas and experimenting with different techniques.
Key stage 4
The key stage 4 curriculum encourages pupils to engage in the creative process and to develop as effective and independent learners. The pupils develop an inquiring mind through drama by becoming confident in taking risks and learning from experience through practice and rehearsal of ideas, processes, techniques and skills and also through reflecting back so as to understand through investigating, analysing, evaluating the practical work. The practical work undertaken focuses on the assessment of knowledge, skills and practices, which promotes deep learning through ensuring the connection between knowledge and practice. The drama focuses on: the development of core knowledge and understanding of a range of drama performances and styles, and the key features that contribute to them, such as practitioners’ roles, responsibilities, skills and techniques the development and application of skills, such as practical and interpretative, rehearsal and performance in acting, through workshops being a reflective performer through the development of skills and techniques that allow the students to respond to feedback and identify areas for improvement using relevant presentation techniques, for example a logbook.
Curriculum enrichment
The department provides a range of opportunities that are offered to the students outside of normal timetabled day and these are Musical theatre team where the students can use the three disciplines of Acting, singing, and dancing in creating musical theatre performances.
A new and exciting drama club that is to start is that the students can participate in the LAMDA Acting qualifications where they can take their acting and their performance skills to another level through exam qualifications.
At key stage 3 the students evaluate their drama performance each term and reflect on the skills and techniques they have developed through teacher and peer feedback as well as quizzes on styles and techniques used, writing monologues and performing them.
At key stage 4 the students research the three different theatre practitioners and the styles of theatre and how the techniques and skills are used for each style. The roles and responsibilities of those working in the performing arts and how a performance is made from page to stage. They also evaluate their own performance through the feedback of both teacher and peers.
Career Opportunities
The career opportunities are they can study Drama and performing arts at key stage 5 and then study the subject at university. They can become an actor by going into the Performing Arts industry, become a teacher of Drama, become an events planner, director, writer, production manager, front house manager or any job within the performing art industry.
Useful websites
This site has a few devised productions and a useful resource pack on devising.
The National Theatre educational resource site with many useful clips of devised work and directors talking about the devising process.
Exam Board
Pearson Edexcel BTEC Performance Art Drama
Level 1/2 TECH AWARD Evidence is through both Portfolio and practical work which is internally verified and externally sampled and one component that is externally marked and set by Pearson. The external examination is through controlled written assessment and practical work and then it is marked by Pearson.