School Uniform

School uniform is an important part of belonging to the Eastbrook community. We believe that the smart appearance of students is an important part of their schooling. This is because education is the preparation for life beyond school and the world of work. We encourage a professional environment, where smart dress and appearance is paramount and indicative of the high expectations we have of ourselves. We expect students not only to adhere to the full uniform requirements, but also to be concerned about, and take pride in their general appearance, conforming to the standards expected by the school. Students should remember that correct uniform must be worn to and from school, as well as whilst in school.

Our policy on uniform is based on the notion that school uniform:

  • engenders a sense of community and belonging to the School;
  • is practical and smart and ensures that pupils are not treated differently due to the clothes that they choose to wear:
  • promotes a sense of identity with the School;
  • promotes a sense of pride in the School.

Any student not adhering to the uniform policy may receive one or some of the following sanctions until the uniform issues are corrected, such as:

  • Parents will be requested to bring required items to school for their child.
  • Removal from the general school population and supervised for all lessons and including break time and lunch time.
  • Confiscation and parent collection of items that are not school uniform.

Uniform Policy 

Updated Feb 2024