
At Eastbrook, we believe that great readers make great writers which is why we start with a high quality text in our daily literacy sessions. Exposing children to high quality writing, inspires them to emulate their author heroes and it also helps them to discover aspects of writing they both like and dislike. Any and all reactions to a piece of writing help our children to form their own writers voice which is what we aim to nurture and develop throughout their time here at Eastbrook Primary school and beyond.


As well as providing children with high quality texts from which to base their own writing experiences, children are also discretely taught the building blocks of writing through weekly handwriting, spelling and grammar sessions in Year 1 & 2.

We have an aspirational expectation that children should be taught to write using cursive, joined handwriting from Reception onwards.


Children in Key Stage 2 continue with their weekly sessions to develop and improve their knowledge of the technical aspects of handwriting, spelling and grammar. These discrete sessions are then built upon during the main literacy session where the children create written pieces of work usually inspired by or in response to the main text they are reading in class.

As part of regular and ongoing CPD, alongside our partner schools in the local area, regular and thorough writing moderation is carried out between all year group colleagues. This is to ensure that our children are working to the expected standard and to share examples of good practice.

Our Leader of Learning for Writing is Mr. C. Peake


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