
Negative Numbers

Year 6 spent some time together working both against their table mates and with them. Coming at the end of our first assessment week of the year, for the first time all of the Year 6 children were in the same room for a maths session.

Vying to earn points not only for themselves but also for their houses, the children initially were tasked with competing with each other in game of ‘find the difference’. The children took it in turns to turn two cards over and calculate the difference between them. The difference was added to their points tally.

To make sure that lunchtime was a more peaceful affair, the second game saw the table groups coming together in order to complete a scavenger hunt. Each table was given a set of questions, the answers of which corresponded to cards that were hidden around the classroom. The cards also contained clues to help the children identify the complete passcode.

It is safe to say that the none of the children had a negative experience and everyone was positively engaged in their maths learning today!