
Investigating in Science

Year 5 have been busy investigating changes in materials. This week pupils were investigating practically and identifying what happens with a chemical reaction. As a class, we investigated using three different combinations:

  • oil and water
  • milk and vinegar
  • bicarbonate soda and vinegar

From observation, there were noticeable differences to the substances once they had come toegther. For example, when the oil and water were mixed, there apppeared to be oil bubbles amongst the water particles. Within the next investigation, when the milk and vinegar were combined, the milk began to curdle. There were solid particles that began to form separately to that of the liquid.

Lastly, with the bicarbonate soda and vinegar we noticed that the balloon that was placed at the top of the bottle began to inflate. This happened because the bicarbonate soda mixed with the vinegar and this produced a chemical reaction (new substance formed) which then formed a gas known as carbon dioxide.

“We really enjoyed investigating in science as it allowed us to find out about what new substances could be made and how.”