
Electronic Games

Year 6 have been applying their knowledge of insulators, conductors and circuit construction to make their own electronic games during science lessons this week. Pupils worked with a partner and made a looping pattern from pliable steel, they then attached a bulb or buzzer to the end of the steel. Next they constructed a wand, with an insulator for the handle (they chose lolly sticks, rulers or straws) at the end of the wand they attached a loop of steel in which to guide over the game. If the wand made contact, with the metal loop route, a light would flash or a buzzer would ring, indicating the circuit had been closed! The object of the game was to guide the wand over the route without the buzzer or light being triggered. The children had great fun constructing their games and then playing each other’s. They record how long it took to complete the game and then found their mean average time.