
Autism Awareness Week in Year 3

Year 3 pupils have embraced ‘Autism Awareness Week’ and took part in numerous activities.

Pupils have watched a short film in order to gain more insight into how autistic people see the world, things like the background noise of traffic, many of us take for granted and the disturbance does not bother us but for some autistic people this sound could be quite scary.

Pupils were able to empathise with autistic people through reading a book, ‘A Friend for Henry’, describing the experience of Henry (an autistic boy) making new friendships.  The children then role played scenarios, to understand how they could make autistic people feel more comfortable in school situations. The class had lots of discussion about the correct use of actions and words to use during the scenarios.

Later on in the day, children looked at the ‘Autism Awareness Week poster’, given to us by Apollo and pupils created their own posters. Many children were also excited to wear their blue ribbons distributed by Apollo pupils, they are very proud to wear them!