
Year 11 Mock exam November 2022

Dear Student and Parents,

RE: Yr11 Mock exams, w/b 21st November 2022

Mock exam Timetable link

Pupil Handbook and revision topics

We believe that Mock examinations help students get a ‘snap-shot’ of where they are right now and what they need to do to improve in time for their summer exams to achieve the best possible grade. In this booklet you will find the Yr11 Mock exam timetable as well as lists of topics to revise for individual subjects, students would have been learning these topics since Yr10. Please prepare thoroughly for the scheduled exams, these mock exams are very important to us and to all students.

We believe it is important for students to be fully equipped for learning as well also being fully equipped for all exams by having with them a pen (black ball point), pencil, sharpener, rubber and ruler. Also, students will need a protractor, calculator and compass for their Maths and Science exams and possibly for some other subjects also.

In external exams such as the year 11 GCSE exams in summer 2023, students are not allowed to have any unauthorised items in the exam room such as mobile phones, smart wrist watches or any kind of electronic device or results may be cancelled. For these internal Mock exams, prior to sitting at their examination desks, we will be asking all students to place any electronic devices in their school bag (switched off and at their own risk). As such I would recommend if possible that students do not bring any mobile phones on the day of an exam.

If you would like to discuss this further, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Thank you for your support.

Mr A. Khan
Deputy Headteacher