
Welcome Back to Year 10

The big day is fast approaching! Next week, from 15th June, a small proportion of our Year 10 and 12 students will be returning to school after 12 weeks away on lockdown. We are only allowed to have a relatively small number on site at any one time so half of the group of Year 10 will be in on Monday and Tuesday and the other half on Thursday and Friday. The Year 12 students will come in just for the sessions that apply to them across the week. Once we are up and running, we hope to be able to invite a few more students in so let the office know if you want to be placed on the waiting list. Note also that we have our internet café provision open each Wednesday morning, so if any student in Year 10 wants to come into school and work on one of our computers in a quiet working space they are very welcome. Please contact the office if you want to take advantage of this excellent facility

The staff are all very excited to be back at work and are busily preparing their sessions for next week. Most of all I think they are looking forward to seeing our students again and returning to some face to face teaching – I know how much they have missed it. With that said, I should take this opportunity to publicly thank them for all of the hard work they have put into providing excellent online learning opportunities for everyone in recent months and they will of course continue to do so.

The plans for the return to school are based on a strict Social Distancing model – this is essential if we are going to ensure that everyone stays safe during the school day. All of the students will be spoken to at 9.15 on their first morning in school about our systems and expectations. I know that they are all bright and sensible enough to adhere to the rules we will set, but I must be clear from the outset that any student who proves themselves unable to follow our expectations will not be allowed to attend – I am sure we all understand why that is.

Attached is a short video which shows roomings, patterns of movement and breaktime arrangements. I will go through these on Monday but would appreciate students having a look in advance so they can come to school prepared with questions.

I am so excited at the prospect of having some of our students back on site, and I cant wait to see them on Monday and report back to the whole school community about how wonderful the week has been … I will keep you all posted!

Have a great weekend

Mr Frith