
Week 1 – The Trail Blazers

Students thoroughly enjoyed their first week in school with the Trail Blazer team. The days were broken up into three sessions.

In the first session with Ms Bishop the students completed some of the school work that they have been set by their teachers

In the second session with Ms Bainbridge the students explored creative drawing, and at the end of the week they produced hope rainbows to place in their windows at home.

In the third session the students worked with Mr Walker to create their own play scripts based on their experience of this week and the school being closed. Mr Walker was so impressed with their final scripts that they will perform them when the school reopens.

Mr Samuels was also part of the team and brought his usual energy and enthusiasm to everything that was going on.

We should also thank the Caretakers, Office Staff, Canteen Staff and all the others who came in for their help and support in making the week so successful.

Next week it is the turn of the ‘Creative Thinkers’ team to lead the students through another week of exciting and interesting activities … it should be fun so watch this space …..