
About God

Year 10 Religious Studies – GCSE: Theme C: The Existence of God

This term, the year 10s have been exploring the issues around the existence of God through special (personal and direct) and general (impersonal and indirect) revelation.

Many of the students have been looking at ways in which religious believers have evidenced revelations of God through nature, scriptures and miracles. Through the study of different religious beliefs and scriptures, our students have begun to investigate arguments for and against the existence of God.

Additionally, students have studies the religious and philosophical concepts around enlightenment and how it has shaped the course of history through the actions of Jesus, Buddha and other important religious figures.

Students have been provided with numerous online classes with debates and further work through their work booklets.

Overall, we wish to applaud our students for their continuing hard work and we look forward to see many more exemplary work in the future.