
Observing Early Years Children

The Year 10 and 11 CACHE Level 2 Technical Award students have started their new topic about Observing Early years children whilst learning from home. Lessons via Microsoft teams have been well attended allowing studies to continue even from their front room. Students have been given access to resources including scanned copies of the course textbook and up to date lesson PowerPoints via Show My Homework along with weekly ‘live’ lessons via Microsoft Teams. Despite exams being cancelled other methods of assessment are still taking place and students reminded to complete their work to the best of their ability and submit it by the set deadlines.

The current assessments are in the form of a poster and an essay whereby students are to:

  • D2 Identify suitable methods for observing children’s holistic development
  • D3 Give one advantage and one disadvantage of each of the identified methods
  • B2 Explain how observations can be used to support the development of children

The students have been given tasks to observe children themselves with specific links to YouTube clips. Observation methods the students have been learning about are:

  • Narrative
  • Check list
  • Event sample
  • Time sample
  • Sociogram

I look forward to receiving these assessments on 4th February. After which we will be looking at the new topic all about supporting the care needs of children

Mrs Smart