
Eastbrook Celebrated Chanukkah

During week commencing 29th November, Eastbrook joined the Jewish community, across the world, in celebrating Chanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Light. On Tuesday, 30th November, years 10 & 11 students and tutors  welcomed Ms Sandra Teacher, education consultant from the Jewish Board of Directors, Ms Laws, SEND teacher and Rachel Lawal (10H) into their assemblies.

Rachael Lawal spoke eloquently about the Maccabees and their unexpected glorious victory over Syrian king called Antiochus. She commented on how some positive characteristics, e.g. courage, belief and hope played great roles in their pursuit of justice; how the story is celebrated across the Jewish faith and, most relevant, how does the story apply to life today.

After the electrical lights were dimmed, Ms Laws demonstrated the lighting of the menora, which was a reverent and reflective moment. The students were gripped by her attention to detail and learnt how special the event is for members of the Jewish community.

Ms Teacher shared information about the location of the Temple, linked to ‘Miracle of Oil’ story, and the significance of Chanukkah. Despite having never met Ms Laws, both performed a duet and sang “Hanarot hallalu” and “ma or zur” melodiously.

At Eastbrook, we take pride in gaining knowledge from participating and celebrating different religious events. Chanukkah offers the various messages that we can apply to our lives including:

  • Never give up – Despite the severe challenges we encounter
  • We should never give up on ourselves and others around us
  • We should aim to give back to society – you can give your time; kind words; knowledge; gifts to those in need
  • Have the courage to stand up for justice!

We look forward to celebrate a Jewish Week of Activities starting 24th January. Yet again, we will have opportunities to learn, show respect and showcase why we are PROUD to be an inclusive and diverse school community.

Together we Learn!