
Covid – Something to be PROUD of

We are always delighted to hear about the great things our students and families get up to outside school – particularly when they are so consistent with the school’s PROUD values and our focus on Character Education.

During a recent parents evening we were alerted to some amazing work that the Padgett family undertook during the height of the pandemic. As we all know, it was an incredibly challenging time for many families …. particularly around providing food and basic provisions for themselves and their loved ones.

The whole family committed to helping those around them and over the course of the pandemic have calculated that they improved things more than 800 families by delivering food parcels!

Year 9 student Lilly-Mae Padgett wrote the following article to explain a bit more about it

“My family volunteered at the local food bank at the Bethel Christian Centre all through the pandemic. Up to December 2021 we helped a total of 802 families by delivering them food and other supplies. Mr Martin, who used to run the food bank, nominated our family for an award through the ‘100 years of the Becontree Estate’ selection process. We are very grateful to him for doing so and our plaque now takes pride of place on Bennett’s Castle Lane.”

Well done to the Padgett family, Eastbrook and the local community are PROUD of you.