
Costing the Cost

With 2021 being the year of economic turmoil, thanks to the advent of Brexit and the fallout of the pandemic, our economic students have never been better placed to study and witness their economic studies in real time.

The 6th form students have been studying International Economics in terms of globalization, trade, trading blocs, market competitiveness, and development economics. The topics, linked to various on-going crises in today’s world have helped our students learn and understand the current situation regarding the economic fortunes of the United Kingdom.

Students have been challenged with various reading and exam skills practices, alongside lectures on the major topics and issues facing economics. Students were fortunate to have their Theme 4 workbooks and exercise books posted to them at the start of term which has been helpful for many of the students to complete while they also perfected their skills in independent studies and research to develop their skills for further education beyond 6th form.

Overall, we congratulate our students on their hard work so far and continue to encourage their engagement and positive approach to lifelong learning.