
We teach English through the Power of Reading programme. The Power of Reading has raised achievement in thousands of schools across England. Here at Eastbrook we have seen The Power of Reading transform the way the teachers teach and the way children feel about reading and writing.

The programme sees children engaging with high quality picture books, novels, poetry and non-fiction through a wide range of teaching approaches. They are immersed in texts through music, art, drama, discussion and role-play, and are challenged to respond to the ideas communicated through language and illustrations within those texts.

The carefully chosen texts that make up the Power of Reading, drive learning in English and form a core book list for our children; a canon of children’s literature. This is complimented by books chosen by each child from the superb selection available in each classroom. In this way, all children have access to high quality books in their lessons and in their free time, in school and at home.

In addition, during discrete English lessons we use ‘Read, Write Inc. Phonics’, ‘Daily Supported Reading’ and ‘Guided Reading’ to support the teaching of Reading; and ‘Nelson Spelling, Grammar and Handwriting’ to compliment the teaching of writing.