
World Book Day at Eastbrook 2024!

Pupils came to school on Friday 8th March, looking rather unusual… because they were dressed up as characters from books and words! The standard of the costumes was very high and lots of effort and imagination had gone into the outfits; there were witches, pirates, cats and pretty much a small dictionary of words.

During the morning pupils completed activities in their classrooms with a focus on World Book Day. There were books reviews, quizzes and front covers being redesigned and lots more fun tasks.

In the afternoon there was a buzz of excitement as class teachers swapped classrooms and read an extract of their favourite book to the pupils. The children listened intently to the texts being read and had discussions with their ‘new’ teacher regarding why they chose that text to read aloud. To end the day, the whole school gathered in the hall and marvelled at the array of stunning costumes, some children received certificates focused on their reading prowess.