
Virtual Visit to ZSL Whipsnade

Year 1 couldn’t get to the zoo to enhance their learning about animals including humans, but that didn’t stop the zoo coming to us. This afternoon the children participated in a Skype call with Holly from Whipsnade Zoo who quizzed them on their knowledge of the five main different animal groups. She was so impressed with their ability to classify animals based on their appearance that she thought they were ready to learn some new tricky vocabulary- ‘carnivore, ‘herbivore’ and ‘omnivore’.  The children excitedly discussed what each animal’s diet might consist of. Again, she couldn’t catch them out. Now the children can sort animals based on what they eat.

To end our session, Year 1 were fortunate enough to be taken to the giraffe enclosure to meet the family of giraffes who live at Whipsnade. Banusha, the father of the group, was not very camera shy and enjoyed poking his tongue out at us and sticking his nose into the camera.