
To Troy!

The day was Tuesday which meant another exciting session with Jonny Walker from Otherwise Education. Over the past few weeks, Year 6 have been steadily learning about Ancient Greece and the wide variety of gods and heroes associated with the time period. THis learning has helped to build their contextual understanding around Homer’s Iliad – the epic tale featuring Achilles, Helen and the City of Troy.

After warming up their drama bones with some fun and interactive role play, they transformed into the great Greek army and set off to shores afar. After learning that the war was very complex – thanks to the intervention of the gods – and lasted for more than 10 years, the children had the chance to act out some of the key battles and moments, all whilst using some actual text from the Iliad itself.

Next week we are fortunate to have Jonny with us for two sessions. The children have been reminded that if they have any play armour/swords at home or would like to make one to add to the dramatic effect next week, they are encouraged to do so.