
The Olympics

Year 4 have been extremely busy preparing for the Year 4 Olympic Games. The children were able to use their knowledge about the Greeks to create and present their version of the Olympics.

The children chose an aspect of the games that they feel passion about and took responsibility for: the opening ceremony, medal design, torch making and the creation of a new game. It was a joy to witness the teamwork, patience and love of learning that the children all displayed while working diligently on this event.

But with all Olympic Games, there was stuff competition, as the children all proudly represented their home nation. Medals were presented to the winners by the representative Greek goddess as a reward for their sterling effort. The Games ended with the mini marathon which was also fiercely contested.

Year 4 displayed kindness and constant support for their team members and across the entire class, but more importantly everyone enjoyed the Olympics! Well done for having a very successful Olympic Games!