
Spring Virtues Day- Fair’s Fair!

The children of Year 1 have been considering the concept of fairness as part of their spring Character Virtues Day. The children were unknowingly part of a mini research project to decide if a person’s actions were fair or not fair.

Mrs Turner selected some members of the class to head outside and have an extra playtime with Miss Noel. You can see all of the happy faces of the chosen children in our first photograph. Other children had to stay inside with Mrs Turner. They didn’t know why and they were not very happy about it, as you can see in the second photograph. Why were the children chosen to go outside for extra play? Because they had their green jumpers or cardigans on and the other children didn’t. Was that fair? Not at all!

The children who stayed inside had a good discussion with Mrs Turner about whether or not this was a fair way of sorting the children and everybody whole-heartedly agreed that it was not. Together, we had a good think about how we could make the situation fairer. Mrs Turner quickly realised that she could simply ask the children inside to put on their jumpers and cardigans too, so that they were nice and warm outside. Happily, everybody could then head outside to play together and the giant smiles quickly returned.

Afterwards, once we had a better understanding of fairness, we thought about a very simple action that we could do to make our lunchtimes a bit fairer each day- everybody could help to tidy the equipment away instead of rushing to be first in the line. That will make Miss Dorrie a very happy lady.