
World of Stories

This week, Mr Peake was found celebrating up and down the corridors of the school. After initially applying for a place on a special course at the very beginning of the year, a special delivery had finally arrived addressed to the Leader of Learning for English.


Puffin – a very well known and renowned publisher of high quality children’s literature – had asked if any teachers had wanted to take part in something they called a ‘World of Stories’. It involved some pre-recorded online training and attending two live online training sessions during the most recent lockdown.


To begin with, Mr Peake thought as a reward for his effort and hard work he would receive ‘a few new books’ for the library. After scanning in 250+ items into a new online library system, Mr Peake was blown away.


Going forwards, every child who receives a mention for their reading in the Friday celebration assembly will be invited to joining Mr Peake’s world of stories. They will receive a small goodybag of puffin reading items and a special ‘library’ card which will give them access to the wonderful range of new texts and items received this week. Remember, all you need to do to gain access to this very special reward is to show that you have read 5 times at home during the week or if you are logging in to MyOn, reading for an average of at least 50 minutes across the 7 days of the week prior.


In order to keep the new books (and the lovely ones that we already have here in school!) in good shape and ready for the next reader, the school will need some pupil librarians on the case. Keep your eyes peeled for announcements about this soon.