
Little Green Fingers!

Year 1 spent a glorious afternoon out in the chilly wind today, busily planting flowers, fruits, vegetables and herbs to support our current science topic.  The children loved getting their hands stuck into the giant bag of compost and looked in awe at the different sizes, shapes and colours of the seeds before they were carefully hidden away amongst the soil. Once watered, the potting trays were carefully moved to the chosen spot inside our classroom- the windowsill, to catch those sun rays. There is a real air of competition amongst the children to see whose plant will sprout through the soil first. What will we see first? Sunflowers? Dahlias? Geraniums? Tomatoes? Basil or Beetroot?

The children have promised to show responsibility and teamwork to ensure that our plants receive enough sunlight, nutrients, water and oxygen so that they can grow as well as they possibly can.