
It’s Behind You…

After putting on such an amazing nativity show earlier in the week, Eastbrook friends from Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 were treated to a fabulous, fantastic and very festive finale to the end of their Autumn term today. Pupils showed maturity and responsibility as they navigated their way to the Barking Broadway Theatre on the train during rush hour. Once we arrived, everybody took their seats smartly and waited with bated breath for the actors to fill the stage and the lights and sounds to fill the auditorium.

During showtime, Eastbrook pupils sat with mouths wide open in awe and wonder as the tale of Dick Whittington was told. There was the usual pantomime chants to join in with, like, ‘It’s behind you’ and ‘Oh yes we are’, fabulous singing, incredible dance moves and even a soaking by some mammoth water pistols. The smiles and laughter rang out across the theatre and students have told us that it was, ‘The best day ever.’

As the performance ended, Eastbrook were even complimented by staff from the theatre for how clean and tidy we had left the theatre seats and floor. Eastbrook, well done for taking your civic virtues with you. We are all so proud of all you have achieved this term and are so glad that you all thoroughly enjoyed your very well-deserved treat.