
It’s A Pirate’s Life For Us

Year 1 launched their new IPC topic, ‘Treasure Island’, today by throwing themselves wholeheartedly into a pirate themed day. During the unit of work, the children will be covering their key geographical learning objectives, including;

  • Locating and identifying the four countries of the United Kingdom and its surrounding seas
  • Comparing the human and physical geography of a small area in a non-European country
  • Using world maps, atlases and globes
  • Using compass points and directional language to describe the routes on a map.

To get everybody in the mood, today’s activities consisted of a team game of ‘North, East, South and West’, showing off our balancing skills by walking the plank, making tea stained treasure maps and using them to hunt for treasure, creating our own pirate characters, listening to a fabulous story called ‘ The dinosaur that pooped a pirate’ and exploring valuable pirate treasure.

I think you will all agree that the most precious treasure seized today has been the magnificent smiles that have been captured and memories that have been made!