
Gravity Rocks!

As part of Year 1’s current IPC topic, ‘A day in the life of…’, pupils have been exploring the lives of significant, historical individuals. They have learnt that historical figures of different genders, from different countries and for vastly different reasons have all had a significant impact on our present lives. Previously, the children have learnt about an important nurse,

Florence Nightingale, who drastically changed the face of healthcare and the way that hospitals cared for sick patients. Next came the adventures of the most famous space explorer, Neil Armstrong, who was the first man to step on the moon and enabled the human race to have a much greater knowledge of the workings of the solar system.

This week the children have thoroughly enjoyed learning all about Sir Isaac Newton and his discovery of gravity.  The concept of why the apple didn’t fall upwards or sideways really did evoke many high quality discussions. The children found the story absolutely fascinating and could see why such an important scientific discovery was a hugely significant achievement. Year 1 wholeheartedly took on the challenge of creating a Sir Isaac Newton portrait in any creative way that they wished.

Just look at the quality of work in these photographs- we had a real range of materials used, including googly eyes, cotton pads and even lentils! The work included a giant 3D model of the super scientist and look at how many of them even included a falling apple in their work.