
Eastbrook Scavenger Hunt

Pupils in year three took part in a special scavenger hunt today. They had to search for items beginning with the letters of our school name (Eastbrook).

The items also had to represent school, for example Kiani found an egg for the letter E, he explained that we have chickens in our school and they lay eggs, so eggs are associated with our school. Lots of children found apples, to represent the letter A as we have apples at break time for pupils to eat. Forest green sweaters were popular for the letter S. Tea, ties and TT Rockstars represented T. Books and bins were written for B. Rulers and rabbits were mentioned for R. Organisation and oranges featured for O. Katie, Katherine and Kiani were mentioned as members of our class for K and so was kindness, one of our school virtues.

Pupils at home sent in photographs of their items, explaining why they chose them. Whereas pupils in school designed  a colourful acrostic in their books to represent the school. Ioan really enjoyed the activity and stated that it was his favourite home leaning task to date!