
Feathered Blue Friend

The children in Reception came back from lunch on Monday to find blue feathers all over the corridor, they had so many questions and ideas about what sort of creature could have left them. They had a search around the school to see if there was any more evidence of their new friend.  Asking the dinner ladies and Mr Hollows if they had seen them. They came up with some wonderful ideas such as a blue seagull or even a feathered monster.

The following morning the children were introduced to their new class story Shhh! We have a plan, and met the character of the bird. They were set the task of creating their own bird character. They were able to college their template, carefully filling all the space. During this task they were discussing what sort of bird he would be and what he could get up to in this story.

The bird came alive on Thursday as the children role played what their character would say and how they would act. The children then showed off their writing skills by writing in a speech bubble to create a character.  They children are already enjoying this new story, searching at during free flow and lunch for their new feathered friend!