
Buddy’s Internet Safety Story

Year 1 were fortunate enough to hear and enjoy Buddy’s Internet Safety story this afternoon. Buddy is full of good advice and top tips to help everybody in our Eastbrook family use their devices and the internet safely. Throughout the story, Buddy the dog supports young Ben in making super important decisions about how to use his device safely. By the end of the story, Ben has remembered Buddy’s song lyrics;

‘Ask your grown up,

Ask your grown up,

Ask for help!

Ask for help!

Use your tablet safely,

Use your tablet safely,

Woof, woof, woof,

Woof, woof, woof.’

The whole experience definitely opened up a really curious dicussion and left us with a lot of food for thought around downloading games and apps, watching unknown videos and talking to strangers online.

The children completed the session by signing their pupil ‘Acceptable Use Policies’ to ensure that all safety rules are adhered to by everybody.