
Making Chocolate

This term, in Year Four, students have been studying different facts about chocolate. Today, they have been working hard to make their own version of chocolate. They applied all their learning from the past few weeks to mix different ingredients into their chocolates. The children planned what type of chocolate they were were going to use and what individual ingredients they would add to their brand of chocolate. They then put their mix into different shaped moulds such as shell, star, flower and rose shaped moulds. Next, the students placed their chocolate moulds into the fridge to set their chocolate so that they could wrap it and place it into their personalised gift boxes.

It was amazing to see everyone in Year four working together as a team to put their plan into action and to see all the different types and flavours of chocolates they came up with themselves. As well as using all the knowledge they acquired over this half-term to make their individual chocolates.

Well done, Year Four!