
Week 6 – Brook Grylls

This week saw Mr Goodwin, Miss Harper, Miss Hull and Miss Begum take over Eastbrook with the Brook Grylls team. Students had a busy week with different activities planned and we didn’t let the change in weather stop us.

Each day started with students completing the online learning which had been set by their different subjects. This was then followed by different activities which allowed students to be exposed to new experiences.

We started the week with some nice sunshine and spent time learning how to put up tents on the grass. The hard part came when needing to pack everything away, making sure it was neat and tidy and up to Mr Goodwin’s standards. We spent time learning how to use a compass and making sure we could navigate our way round the sports hall based on coordinates.

We put the compass skills of the students to the test and set them off on a orienteering course around the school. They had to follow different bearings and find different letters to spell out a word. Teagan, Shaun, Warren and Jake came away as tied for first place.

Then the bad weather appeared, but we took that in our stride and continued on. The rain didn’t mean we couldn’t have our treasure hunt. We just did it within the school. It got very competitive with everyone trying to collect the most to win the prize of chocolate eggs. Jac made sure to win the most chocolate eggs. Each student made a pizza dough from scratch and used different toppings. We even had pineapple as an option much to the dislike of Miss Hull.

The primary students have been going over to the primary site daily to see the chickens. They brought us back some of the eggs which we were able to make cakes with. We can now say we have made cakes using fresh Eastbrook eggs.

We took part in some portrait drawing, where some students chose to do it as a caricature. One was even made of Mr Frith.

Team Brook Grylls have had a fantastic week in school with the students. They have been well engaged and enthusiastic to take part. The offer of chocolate eggs for the winner of activities was just a bonus.