
The University of Eastbrook

Yesterday, the English Study Hub for Year 10 was launched.

Over 70 students willingly gave up their free time after school to attend lectures and seminars based on An Inspector Calls.

The Study Hub provides enrichment for students, consolidating, reinforcing and developing the work studied in class.

Students could choose between:

  • a lecture delivered by Ms Pearson based on a Marxist reading of the play
  • a seminar delivered by Ms Lotter on the writer’s message
  • a seminar delivered by Ms O’Leary on the character of Birling.

As well as developing their knowledge and skills, the Study Hub provides some insight in to a University experience and styles of learning that differ from the usual classroom experience.

The Study Hub will run every every Tuesday and all Year 10 students are welcome. We will update students about the lecture and seminar topics each week.