
Online Counselling

We are aware that the Covid 19 outbreak and the subsequent lockdown will have been an anxious period for many of our students. Although many of them will take the challenges it presents in their stride, we know that some might benefit from some additional support. As a result we have worked out a way to address the issue … and that is Online Counselling. Students can come into school, sit in a comfortable and private space, and discuss any issues they have with our full time counsellor Mr Bevan. A few students have accessed the provision already and it has proved to be very effective. However, there are still a few spaces available to other students.

If you feel that a student might benefit from this opportunity, please contact the school office either by phone call or emailing with the title ‘Online Counselling Request’. Ms Hinds Swaby and Mr Bevan will then be in touch to let you know if and when your sessions will start. Please be aware though. that this is a limited service so there may be a delay between applying and getting a counselling appointment.

Also note that students under 14yrs old will need to have written consent from Parent/Carer.

Below are some contact details that may be helpful for young people in need of support:

Samaritans – 116 1213

Childline – 08700 1111

Health Advice – 111

Please also remember that if you feel that a child is seriously at risk of significant harm, or has harmed themselves in any way, we advise that you call 999 or attend A&E as soon as possible