
Eastbrook School Welcomes Holocaust Survivor

Today Year 10 were treated to a remarkable presentation by Ruth Barnett MBE, a survivor of the Holocaust. Ruth spoke movingly about her family’s horrendous persecution in pre-war Germany, as well as being a childhood refugee coming to the UK on the Kindertransport, in 1939.

Ruth asked us to care for each other and the environment and to give each other more attention over material objects. Ruth’s final message to us was that kindness goes a long way in resolving conflict and that we should be upstanders rather than bystanders when we witness hatred and oppression.

Mr Nathan, Head of Year 10 said: “It is a privilege for us to welcome Ruth Barnett to our school and her testimony will remain a powerful reminder of the horrors so many experienced. We are grateful to the Holocaust Educational Trust for co-ordinating the visit and we hope that by hearing Ruth’s testimony, it will encourage our students to learn from the lessons of the Holocaust and make a positive difference in their own lives.”

Jia Kaur 10E