
An in-depth look at Religions – Religious Studies at Eastbrook School

This term, our Eastbrook Students began a new chapter in their studies of religions.

The Year 9 have undertaken a study of Buddhism, it’s philosophy and teachings. Students have learnt the meaning of suffering (Dukkha), the 5 precepts, the Eightfold Path and the story of Siddhartha Gautama’s enlightenment towards becoming Buddha. Students have also researched and learnt Buddhism practices of meditation and mindfulness.

Our Year 10s began January learning about the Teachings and Beliefs of Judaism. Starting with the 5 Books of Moses (The Old Testament) students have research and shared stories from each prophet of Judaism. Students also learnt about the major principles of faith within Judaism, the sources of authority and the ideas about the covenants.

The Year 11 have been hard at work covering all their previous learnings. Currently we are re-exploring Judaism.

In all RS lessons, students have enjoyed debating and challenging each other’s perceptions of theology and morality. The sharing of ideas and opinions helps our students work towards an open and understanding of differences among their peers.