
World Book Day 2023

In what is becoming Eastbrook tradition, we celebrated World Book Day a day later than most other schools this Friday (03.03.23) and what a wonderful day it was!

The main theme of this year’s celebration was ‘What is your reading superpower’ with a big focus on growing everyone’s love of reading.

Across the school there were heroes everywhere – someone even mentioned spotting the famous Captain Comprehension in the corridors of our wonderful school this morning.

Alongside asking the children to come to school dressed as either their favourite literary character or a character of their own creation, the children in every class have contributed towards a body of work that we are hoping to have professionally published and available for purchase as early as next week. Keep an eye out for more information about this on Monday.

Finally, the children were given free copies of a selection of the specially made World Book Day 2023 £1 books alongside some of the books we had remaining from our Book Share Shed last half term.

Thank you all for your effort and support at home to make days like these so magical at Eastbrook. We are already looking forward to the next one.