
‘Tis The Season To Be Learning

Year 1 were taken on a whistle-stop tour through all four seasons of the year thanks to the technological wonders offered by our NPP (Now Press Play) equipment. The trailer to the scientific learning experience simply said,

‘It’s Summer, your Mum’s flowers are wilting and you’re too hot to water them! There’s a strange clock on the wall that doesn’t tell the time, but instead tells you what season it is. Surely if you could change the hand to Winter, then it wouldn’t be so hot? But be careful what you wish for!’ 

The children were desperate to find out what mysteries this seasonal clock would unveil and what sort of wishes were granted. They eagerly participated, followed all of the instructions and even managed to save the season of summer from the ferocious Jack Frost along the way.

Through this interactive experience, the children learnt:

  • The names of the four seasons
  • How weather changes across the seasons
  • How changing seasons affect animals and nature
  • How people adapt to seasonal changes

Year 1 look forward to extending their seasonal knowledge even further over the coming weeks.