
See the Rainbow, Touch the Rainbow, Taste the Rainbow!

This afternoon, Year 6 investigated a phenomenon that we experience every day but maybe take for granted – seeing different colours!

After finding out that Aristotle (someone who we think about a lot in relation to our character education here at Eastbrook) was one of the first thinkers to develop a theory about seeing colours, the children discovered that Sir Issac Newton further developed these theories and discovered that white light can be disassembled and reassembled when using a prism.

To further understand these theories – and to have a bit of fun – Year 6 experimented the notion that different object absorbed different coloured light by investigating looking at a packet of skittles through different coloured filters.

They witnessed first hand that the coloured filter would only let the same coloured light through, rendering everything else appearing black. This is due to the object only reflecting the coloured light that we can see and the filter absorbing any coloured light that doesn’t match the colour of the filter itself, thus we see the object as not reflecting any light and appearing as darkness.