
Practice Makes Perfect Place Value!

Year 1 have boldly taken on a new and unfamiliar route towards achieving their maths learning objectives this week as they tackle the challenges of blended learning, with some of the children being present at school whilst most learn from home. Despite the various problems that this approach to learning may cause, the children and parents of Year 1 have taken it all in their stride, displaying the most mature and diligent attitude to their work.

This week, the children have built upon their existing mathematical knowledge from the previous term and have been introduced to 2-digit numbers. Recognising how important this basic understanding of place value is to build upon the children’s future learning, a lot of time has been spent embedding strong foundations through the use of manipulatives and pictorial representations. The learning journey so far has included accurate one to one correspondence and counting, using tens frame and other objects from home to represent numbers greater than ten, recording 2-digit numbers using place value headings, making a range of pictorial representations, recognising numbers eleven to twenty in words and learning how to spell the words correctly and even partitioning using part, part, whole diagrams.

The photographs below show just a small selection of the fabulous work completed throughout this week. The children have responded well to virtual feedback to fix any errors and address any misconceptions before they extend this learning even further next week.