
Arty Ocean Treasures

The children in Reception have dived into their new Topic of Ocean Treasures. They have been using their fine motor skills and their new knowledge to create under the sea shoe boxes and finger painting fishy scenes.

Last week the children spend some time learning about different sea creatures and plants, even taking a virtual school trip to the Great Barrier Reef. The children ‘ooohed’ and ‘awwwhed’ and the incredible things they saw. They have been soaking up all the new vocabulary and were able to talk through their creations during a show and share. The children were given time to asked their friends meaningful questions about their creations. AskingĀ  how they made parts, what they enjoyed about making it and who helped them, they displayed kind behaviour by taking turns being very polite.

It has been so wonderful to see the team work at home, with grown ups and siblings getting involved to make such interesting models. The children and adults have been very resourceful using recycled materials, household goods and toys to add to their shoeboxes.