
Wanissa Wins


On Wednesday 1st September, Wanissa Alloune (Year 8) celebrated her win for her submission to the Borough Writing Competition on knife crime, hosted by Power House International Church.

As noted in previous posts, the task was to write a letter to the Prime Minister and offer suggestions for how to tackle knife crime in Barking and Dagenham. Wanissa was selected as one of four winners and to celebrate she was invited to attend a LBBD Appreciation Dinner at Power House International Auditorium.

Joined by her family and Mr Frith, Ms Arnill and Ms Nasser Shah, Wanissa was treated to a fantastic meal. The evening also involved speeches recognising the difficulties faced by our local community during the pandemic, acknowledging the ability of Barking and Dagenham residents to remain resilient and strong in the circumstances.

We would like to thank all the Eastbrook students who made submissions. The organisers noted on the evening how difficult it had been to narrow down the winners as judges were overwhelmed by the wonderfully insightful letters written by our students.

Wanissa represented Eastbrook School perfectly during the evening and we are proud of her well-deserved achievement.


Ms Nasser Shah