
Black Excellence Portrait Competition – PROUD, Identity & Respect!

Eastbrook School’s Visual Arts Department is launching a Black Excellence portrait competition for Black History Month. Students and staff are encouraged to create a unique portrait of an inspirational person, exploring the theme of PROUD, IDENTITY and RESPECT. It could be someone ORDINARY or EXTRAORDINARY- yourself, a family member, a friend, a role model, a public figure, someone from a recent news story. It does not have to be a traditional style portrait – you can express your ideas as you wish.​

Who would you like to put in the spotlight?​
Who would you like to elevate into a piece of artwork?​
Is there someone you could create a portrait of as a symbol of respect or empathy?​
Who could you create a portrait of that might also be a symbol of your identity or community?

Tutors will be going through the presentation (images below) and you can use the planning sheet to help you with your ideas. Prizes will be given for the most impressive portraits, so get creative and bring in your artwork on the first day back after half term! We look forward to seeing all your amazing artwork Eastbrook!