
The Beginning of an Adventure into Online Learning

This week saw the start of the children’s adventure into online learning. Through patience and perseverance, the children have become increasingly confident in using Google Classroom and Class Dojo as their online learning platform. By joining in live meets, having virtual feedback and interactive resources, the children working online have been able to access their learning alongside their peers who are in class.

This week the children have been focusing on their new book ‘Traction Man’ by Mini Grey and learning about the layout and features of a graphic novel and how the author has used proper nouns to create characters out of everyday objects. In maths, the children have started to understand equal groups and using repeated addition to show multiplication. In the afternoon, cross curricular links have been made with Traction Man and the children are learning about toys of the past and modern toys.

As learning has moved online, it it vital that our children can be safe and independent with the function of their devices and have practical tasks set to ensure they are familiar with how to type and upload a photo onto Google Classroom.