
Problems with Plastic Pollution

Year Three have been investigating the negative effect that plastic can have upon our lives. Although, as individuals we can  understand how important this material is, for example the use of it in clothing, food utensils, furniture, toys etc. Single use plastic items are becomong an environmental disaster! Pupils have researched facts about plastic pollution in our oceans and seas and been astounded at some of the shocking statistics! Did you know that 100% of baby sea turtles have micro plastics in their stomachs or that there is a ‘Great Pacific Garbage Patch’ (a floating island of plastic waste in the Pacific Ocean) that is three times the size of France?

Pupils have used the facts and information that they gathered to produce PowerPoint presentations. They have typed the facts and inserted pictures into slides and then used editing and animation features to bring the slides alive. The presentations look very professional and they will be presenting them to other classes in school later on this week. Hopefully after this research and watching the slide shows they will think carefully in the future about how they use plastic items.